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A Message from Dean & Faith Morris​

The VIP family is for people who care about the Gospel of Jesus and the world we live in.  As a Visionary in Partnership, you join a family that brings joy and hope to those far from Christ.  It will not only bless others – but will bless your life.


The VIP family is about passion – we are making history together by uniting to spread the news of Jesus to those who are unreached.


The VIP family is about purpose – that every single person must hear the gospel.


The VIP family is about partnership – when you partner with us, you go with us to reach the multitudes for Christ in the USA & beyond.  YOU ARE THERE WITH US.


The VIP family is about persistence – that as long as we are living, we must do everything we can to display stewardship and bring people to Christ.


Thank you!  Let’s Make Jesus Famous together.

- Dean & Faith

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What Your Giving Accomplishes​

Friendship Festivals with as many as 70,000 in a single service


Gospel & Discipleship Seminars that have equipped more than 4,000 pastors and leaders.


Follow-up for more than 64,000 new believers and counting


Lasting impact as we disciple those new believers after the festival.


IMPACT USA – bringing the international Friendship Festival ministry to towns across the USA.


Working with local USA pastors to disciple those who come to Jesus during the USA festivals.


Outreach to Political & Religious leaders.


Media campaigns focused on reaching the upcoming generation in the USA. 

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